Friday, December 5, 2008

Cool story, Hansel

So I did this on facebook already but I wanna do another one so here we go.
16 random things about me

1. I love painting tips on my nails. Whether I tip them in black or silver doesn't matter, I really like how it looks ever since I learned to paint my nails when i stopped biting them.

2. I do not communicate with my friends via email. Like I just don't. I don't know why, but I'd much rather handwrite emotional things. I feel like it makes them deeper almost.

3. The most conflicted feelings I have are about being called baby. It pisses me off at the same time as it makes me feel wanted. And seriously the fact that i can't actually figure out how I feel about it irks me. No other pet names bother me in the same way, hun, honey, babe, all are fine I just shake them off as pet names because I use them too (Boo annoys the shit outta me as a pet name, i have no idea why.) it's just being called baby sort of bothers me. Maybe it bothers me because it's condescending but makes me feel wanted. I have these thoughts every time I'm called baby.

4. As much as it artistically annoys me when I hear nothing but synthesizer on a cd, I really like the way it sounds. Like T-Pain, he can't even sing but I like his music.

5. My communications class made me miss English so much it is ridiculous, because whenever Van Kirk lectured it just reminded me that English was so much better. I like Van Kirk a lot, but it just seems like we made a kind of intellectual concept into something really dumbed down.

6. I will be sick of my hair dye by next weekend. I can tell you right now that I will probably be dying it back to black once I get it cut at home.

7. I don't actually like trying to sleep with another person. Like if I was being held and fell asleep that's nice, or if I'm falling asleep and someone lays down with me that's fine, but actively trying to fall asleep like i inevitable do most nights (I know that seems oxymoronic) doesn't work when I'm with another person because to fall asleep I have to move around a lot before I finally fall asleep and I wind up not falling asleep because I'm worried about them falling asleep. But at the same time, I really like just laying in bed with a person.

8. I believe that drunk voicemails are funnier than drunk dials. Especially group drunk voicemails. ha The funniest one of these I ever got was from a group of my closest guy friends; i wish I still had it.

9. I think glitter should be on just about everything. I love sparkles.

10. skipping is underrated. I like it.

11. Whenever I see a couple sitting together, like leaning on each other I miss Jeromiah a lot, not because we're a couple because clearly we are not, but because he's one of the people I am the most physical with and I miss that here at college. And this also has to do with my severe longing for couches, because they're made to be sat on with more than one person; sitting on someone else's bed is so intrusive when you haven't been invited to and sitting in a chair is well you know a one person thing.

12. I can never really explain why I enjoy things. I'm bad at reviewing things.

13. I don't actually like punk music but I absolutely love the punk ideals and that culture. If i could be a part of any other culture it would be the late 70s punk scene or the hippie culture.

14. Sometimes I don't think intentions matter at all because all that matters is actions and how people interpret them. Because no one can feel someone else's feelings. I had that thought and it depressed me.

15. In 7th and 8th grade I had 149 pictures of Eminem on my bedroom wall.

16. I haven't the faintest idea what I'm going to do with a double major in English and Classics but I'm going to get it and I'm going to force myself to love every second of it from here on out.

1 comment:

saraheffingcaldwell said...

I don't think anyone has actually called me baby. However "babe" annoys me to no end. It sounds really degrading to me, more so than baby. Like with baby it's more of like a wanting to take care of you thing, but with babe it seems more like a piece of meat thing. My mom calls me "boo" but it's more because she is shortening "boo boo" which she used to call me when I was a baby