Monday, December 1, 2008

Spoiled little LA girl

I had a blast down at Mizzou because I loved seeing Maggie. The drive wasn't too bad but I definitely don't wanna do it a lot lol.
Initiation was great. Very fun and very much what I expected initiation to be like. I was and still am very excited to be an official member of Kappa. Going greek was an excellent decision; I'm very glad I changed my mind about it.
Twilight the movie sucked. I'm disappointed by everyone who liked it. I think it just reiterated that those books are bad. Gah I hate that I've read them ugh.
Semi formal for Kappa was strange. It made me miss my friends a lot. Like it was fun I suppose but mostly made me miss my old life.
Thanksgiving break was awesome but far too short. It made me recognize how my life is crazy. Like make a movie of my life crazy. But awesome. I seriously think my life on paper is spectacular. But yeah. I don't have a whole lot to say. That's why I haven't been updating this.
I'm almost done with my first semester of college and that's insane to me. Insane. Like how can I be this old? But w/e. Life is decent as hell for sure :)

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