Sunday, December 14, 2008

"If I weren't gettin a buzz, I'd be very embarassed"

I get to go home in like 3 days and I'm so very excited. Especially because I have a severe need to do laundry. Like because of Thanksgiving break it's not even that I miss home that much, I mean i do, because I want to see all my friends and my parents again, but it's that I'm ready to be away from here and the people here and the silly shit they do... Not everyone, but you know, the people that I'm sometimes friends with. Also Katherine is no longer leaving next semester so it's ok that it is winter break time. But seriously, this long ass sleepover that college has been needs to end now. Like that's how it feels. Like it's been real fun but you guys gotta get outta my house; come back next week but get out now. Which is why I'm so glad Katherine isn't leaving because most of the time the idea of living with someone bugs the hell outta me and her and I are so compatible as roommates- I never woulda got that again.
Ok, well I have to study my ass off for my history final tomorrow. I'm a little bit panicking about it. Because I want to do well. I have to do decently well. The honors program means my grades actually matter quite a bit. That's new in my life. Whatever, I have to go.

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