Monday, December 22, 2008

God doesn't want you, but I do

I love being home. I say that as if I hate being at college but that isn't true, but I really love being at home. I love being in my own bed, I love being back in my basement with my couch and my tv a lot. I love being awake at 4 am watching TV by myself with candles. Candles are so pretty and there's a severe lack of them at college (because they're a fire hazard obviously) and I'm loving them because they are not in my life usually. I love being with my friends. I really really do. I loved thursday night with Jeromiah and Steven and Cass and Caitlin. I had lovely girl talk with Caitlin and I cannot even explain how much I love being around my friends because of their physicality. That's what I miss at college: sitting with my friends, especially Jeromiah. And Maggie really. And I had fun at Olive Garden with Jeromiah and Courtney and Megan and Marshall, hearing everyone's college stories. It kinda saddens me that Courtney and Megan already miss school. Like I don't get it. No part of me misses school yet. Like yeah, I kinda think it'd be sweet if Katherine and Emily and Jeff could come hang out with my friends cuz that'd be fuckin sweet, but I love being home. I love being with my parents; I spent all day just chillin with them, watching comedy central and it was fine. I love my parents. I really really do. I love everyone at home. I wish I could take them all back to school with me when I go back again. And I loved being at Katerina's house. We played frickin trivial pursuit and it was just a blast for no reason. Like we don't have to do the shit that people at college think of as a party but it was still just fun. Also, my goodness, Cherry Vale Mall is so legit compared to some town's mall aka the Sandburg Mall in Galesburg. It is not a real mall compared to my mall. Rockford is representing with its mall man, that's all I'm saying. And tomorrow I'm going to Crimson Ridge with my mom as per holiday tradition, and sometime this week I'm spending some quality borders time. Or maybe post-christmas I will, because hopefully I just get borders money for christmas along with my new york trip. I AM SO EXCITED FOR SARAH TO GET HERE IN 5 DAYS!!! SO EXCITED!!! So excited. Oh my goodness I cannot wait to see my best friend because I haven't since June. That's so long to survive on just phone calls. And I'm excited to see my extended family again on Christmas and Christmas Eve. And I loved holding my goddaughter being at my cousins. I missed that baby, seriously, which is so strange to hear me say, but holding her I kind of get it. I just want to spoil her to death, I just wanna hold her and kiss her and make her smile. Which is the most maternal I will ever be probably. But yeah, no part of me being home is bad. I love it. Love it. And I cannot wait to see everyone else: Ali, Drew, Brandon, Wood, Katie because she's going to come into rockford :) as is Kellie! And hopefully I'll see Kelsey, Joe, Tiffany, Jillian, Phil, Anju, Robbie... I just wanna see as many people as possible. And I cannot wait for New Years Eve!!!! Cannot wait, it's going to be a blast because we're all going to be together. Gah. Can I explain how much I lovelove love love my friends? I probably cannot. But Yeah, I'm gonna end this rant of love. But being home is amazing is the point. But I'm pretty sure I'll be ready to go back when it's time to. But right now I'm loving Rockford.

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