Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Monday we started class here at ACT and as I always am before the start of the new school year with new classes, I was nervous. Not that I was worried about classes being overwhelming or anything, but I didn't really know what to expect. I never feel like I do with new classes.

My first class was a Humanities course, Religions around the World, which sounded really interesting, especially in comparison to a lot of the other classes they offer here. The professor is an American woman originally from Ohio and she is goofy. I like her a lot. She's really a nice woman, she's just a little spacey. I'm pretty sure she has ADD but it's totally cool. I don't think the class will be hard at all. It'll largely be a discussion course I'm sure and I figured that would be okay on Monday. Today not so much- people jump topic all the time and kind of ramble about stuff. And a lot of the rambling is about obvious stuff. It'll probably get better when we're talking about specific religions though. This class is mostly American students.

My next course was my English course, Contemporary World Literature. There are I think 10 people in the class, with me and my roommate, Staci, being the only 2 Americans. I am the only English major. Our professor seems really cool though. She was talking about how in Greek culture, people don't really read a lot of books. It's just something they don't do I guess. Weird. But we're reading 3 books in the class, one of which is The Kite Runner, which I like because I wanted to read that book anyway and now I'll have to. I think it'll be really strange being the only English major in a literature class. I did get the chance to name drop Harold Bloom today when we were talking about canon though so so far so good.

My next class is Sociology. It's a 101 course but I think it could be really interesting because I've never taken a Soc course. The professor for that one seems cool too; he's from Jersey. Most of that class is not American. A lot of students here aren't Greek though either- there are quite a few Albanian and Kosovo students (I don't know the adjective of Kosovo sorry) and Bulgarian as well I think. Sociology will probably be a really interesting class to have with people from so many different places. I forgot what it's like to be in an intro course though- taking notes today was strange.

My Tuesday class is Greek. I figured learning modern Greek after having taken ancient Greek would be a really cool thing. I was right if by cool I meant difficult. I don't like having to learn new pronunciations, it just throws me off really badly. Like I'm not even that good at reading Ancient Greek and then I have to change it just for a semester? Ugh. But it will be kind of cool to see the similarities and differences is the grammar concepts and stuff I'm sure. I think that will be my most difficult class. Mostly because I haven't taken a spoken language in like 4 years now.

All in all, it'll be an interesting semester I think. It doesn't feel like real school yet though, so I'll give it a few weeks. Maybe by fall break I'll remember that these are real classes that matter.


Anonymous said...

ummm i was going to comment but forgot what i was planning on saying.
miss you.

also, do you ever where any kkg stuff there? like letters shirts? and do people look at them funny?

JDesk said...

I'm actually wearing a letters shirt right now. I had to explain it to my RA lol

Michelle said...

Let me know how that soc. course goes. I think it will be super interesting with all of the different cultures and how they run things differently then Americans.