Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm not complaining

I'm not. I love being here. I really do. But here are some of my not so happy thoughts about being here for the past week and a half.

  • I miss diet Mountain Dew. I've been drinking coca-cola light for my caffeine in the morning and it just isn't the same. They do not have Mountain Dew at all here.
  • I very much do not like not being able to flush toilet paper. It sort of disgusts me, I'm not going to lie. I realize that I have to deal with it and I am, I'm just saying. I guess I took plumbing for granted.
  • I miss wireless internet, although not so much because we have it here at school. But I can't skype here from school and I feel bad whenever I'm on the internet at the apartment because there is only the one connection.
  • I don't really like having to depend solely on public transportation or walking. Like not even having the option to drive at all throws me off. I mean, that'll probably get better once I know the bus routes better and really know the city. I feel like I've been walking so very much.
  • My ankles/feet feel and look really swollen and it's really annoying. I wish I understood why.
  • I am so incredibly conscious of money right now that it's bothering me. I need to stop worrying so very much about it, but I know it's a good thing to think about, I'm just freaking out about it.
  • I really just haven't really dealt with the fact that I'm living here until January.
  • No lie, I sorta miss Super-center stores. I don't like Wal-mart but damn it is convenient.
  • I only miss that as much because I don't know the hours of anywhere here so I never know when to try to get anything.
But that's really it. I'm done being a sourpuss. And I'm really not trying to be one, these are just some thoughts. I really am having a good time. I promise :)


tiffany said...

Oh trust me. I know how you feel. Coffee here come in thimble sized servings. I didn't realize how dependent I was on it until they gave me that pathetic little thing. I never would've guessed that one of the things I would miss MOST would be Starbucks...? What?

And your feet are swollen...because you're walking everywhere haha. It's stop. I made the stupid mistake of bringing all new shoes here, so I have calluses er'where. Pretty sexy.

And it's scary to think about how long it is until we're tuck it away in a nice safe corner and travel. That's my plan :] It's worked pretty well for the past three weeks. Luckily, home sickness hasn't set in yet, but when it does I know it's gunna be a bitch.

JDesk said...

There are actually a few starbucks here, but Mountain Dew? Nonexistent. I said something to our RA about it last night and he goes "Mountain what? What is that? There are mountains here..." I was just crushed lol.
I'm not too homesick yet. I mean, it's only been 2 weeks so it can't be that bad. I do miss certain conveniences and people though. Not enough to like wish I were at home, but enough that I notice they're gone. When I'm out doing things it's totally fine.