Wednesday, October 22, 2008

If Socialism is the worst you can accuse me of...

Despite the title of this blog, it has nothing to do with politics.
I just feel like people say socialism like it's the devil's dance and I don't get it. I don't understand how helping people as much as possible is bad. But i do understand the drawback of it. I guess maybe the fact that in my everyday life I don't help people as much as I probably should makes me feel like I can just throw tax money at people and it'll sorta even out the balance, if that makes any sense.
But, the real point is to give an update on my life:
I'm applying for the honors program and I'm excited about it. I'm not sure why, but I really am. I'm excited that I was recognized to be nominated for it.
I had no reason to panic.
I'm so excited for Halloween that it's ridiculous.
Caitlin and I made a pact to both talk to the guys we kinda are into. And mine is not the same guy that I'm currently.... benefitting? I suppose I'll go with that term.
I don't know how I feel about playing softball here. And it bothers me. I'll do it this year of course, but I don't know if I'll do it again; depends on how this year goes.
I'm going to see Maggie on the 8th, because Kappa initiation got pushed back. Which will be an opportunity to get to know all of our sisters better; it isn't a punishment. But it was still very upsetting. Monday sorta sucked. PMS kinda makes my life horrible. But I'm excited to go see Maggie and see a D1 football game even though I'll be missing our Knox game... But D1 football! and my best friend!!
I'm going to see Sarah over spring break and I'm psyched about it! I'm so excited to both see her and see NYC for the first time in my life.
I'm so excited to start taking real English classes next semester.
I may do an off-campus study program at a huge research library to write a 30 or 70 page paper. Like that's one of the off campus things I'm sorta looking at. But I don't know if I could/should but I have a while to decide. I also still want to go to Greece. But i don't know what program to do for that. But w/e

Ok, update ended, because I have other stuff to do. lol

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