Friday, September 5, 2008

First drive

So I don't really know why besides the fact that I have stuff I need to get, but I'm going home tomorrow. It's been a very strange week but I sort of blame that on being a girl. Like actual stuff happened this week too but I think I just freaked out about it because of PMS but whatever.
Tonight is our Kappa new member retreat and I'm really excited about it. Only because I think it'll make me closer to those girls and I'm excited for that. I think because of the fact that all my quad mates are going home this weekend (which is another reason I'm going home) I've noticed how not a ton of friends I have here. Not like I'm a big loser without friends or anything, it's just different so far you know?
But I have to go to my theatre class now so i just wanted to give a quick update.

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