Thursday, November 25, 2010

General Life update

Sorry I haven't been updating much this month, I suppose there just isn't that much exciting Greek stuff going on.

We did go to Athens a few weekends ago and yes, I did geek a little about seeing the Acropolis and the Parthenon and all, but the weekend wasn't really that cool. I didn't enjoy the way things were scheduled for us and I just in general wasn't feeling it. I didn't like people enough that weekend. The trip down there was gorgeous though. It made me want to rent a convertible and drive the coastline of Greece and stop in all the little beach villages and towns to watch sunrise and sunset and eat tsasiki and drink kokkino krasi (red wine). At one point we drove through a gorge/canyon type thing and the leaves of the trees were changing and it was spectacular looking. But it was a lot of time on a bus with a number of people being obnoxious. The drive back was pretty terrible because it took like twice as long because we had to drive so slow because the bus had had an accident and we had to get another bus and it was just a big ass hassle. I am really excited to go back with my parents though.

Other than that... I experienced the Greek holiday of Polytechnic day, which is to commemorate a student protest at the Polytechnic institute in Athens (I think...) that protested the junta that was in power a the time. A few students were killed apparently that day in the 70s and apparently since then, Polytechnic day has become vaguely anti-American. There is a parade that starts near the university areas of Greek cities (if they have them) and it ends at the American consulate and there are apparently a few flags burnt and whatnot, so we were sort of told to stay away from downtown unless we needed to be out there. I spent the entire day watching ancient war movies: Troy, 300, and Alexander. I have yet to come to a conclusion on the movie Alexander; I mostly think Collin Farrell is hot but he movie itself is kinda not s great.

Today is Thanksgiving at home and ACT is throwing us a dinner tonight which will be nice I'm sure. Or, I hope. I also tried to give blood today for the first time (because I can't give blood for a year after I get home because I've been here I guess) and almost passed out. It was a great way to start my day! Obviously I'm fine and my blood pressure came back up, but it was an interesting (read: rather terrifying) experience, feeling as though you're slowly going deaf and being incredibly dizzy and then hearing Greek. I also came to the conclusion that I don't enjoy it when a doctor smells like cigarettes.

Everyone else is starting to count down the days until they go home, because it seems to be rushing up all of a sudden and it's making me feel like I still have a lot of time before I'm back in the US. It's not a bad thing since my parents are coming over here, but still. I really am excited for them to get here, especially because then I can show them around and explore more of Greece and not have to pretend that these classes really matter. Because, they don't. Not that I'm slacking off (because I'm not) but it all seems so unnecessary.

But that's my life update for now.

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