Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fun facts:

I dislike shopping in Europe maybe more than I dislike shopping in the US. The Greek version of Lane Bryant is pretty terrible from what I've seen.

I went salsa dancing last night and it was a lot of fun. I'm terrible at structured dancing though, because I always want to lead. I'm a terrible follower when it comes to doing repetitive steps. Greeks dancing salsa is awesome to watch. American men just don't dance like that- although it did make me miss my football playing American boys that don't make me look like a giant, because Greeks men are pretty much tall and lithe thin and well, I just feel sort of ridiculous when I'm dancing with a guy I'm pretty sure I could bench press. Also, one of the Greeks who took us out isn't actually tall so when he was dancing with us all of us girls (me, Taylor, and Katherine) all dwarfed him, especially in heels.

I'm kind of home sick. It was pretty bad yesterday for some reason, so I'm glad I did actually go out dancing with people because it took my mind off it and it was a legitimately good time.

That's all I got for you. Hope this was a non-boring break from my long blog posts. My life here isn't that much more exciting than my life at home; sorry to disappoint.

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