Friday, August 29, 2008

College Life- week 1

I've been at school for almost a week now and I am proud to say I've already done things I figured I wouldn't...
I get along with my three quadmates amazingly. Honestly, i never thought I could live with someone peacefully and I've been doing it and almost enjoying it.
I decorated. Yes, i know that seems like a nothing thing, but I've never had like pictures of my best friends or letters from them up and prominent as like a space that shows me and what's important in my life.
I have talked on the phone to someone everyday. Yes, that's right, the girl who notoriously doesn't pick up her phone when you call has been calling people herself because I really do miss everyone.
I rushed a sorority. I know I said I didn't get it and wouldn't do it, but I decided maybe to see what it was about and pay the 5 dollars to go through recruitment. I had a blast. Every night I had fun. Tonight I was maybe a little tired of it, and anxious for bid day tomorrow but I still had a lot of fun and I'm really excited to find out what I will be. I got invited back to all three both nights of invite only- I was really excited about it and had no one around to gush to because my quadmates that are rushing with me didn't get invited to the ones they wanted, or all the ones they wanted and I didn't want to get super excited in front of them when they were upset and I didn't really know who to talk to about it. But it's ok because I made my decision and I'll see how it turns out tomorrow and if I hate it I can always deactivate but I somehow don't see myself doing that. The point is, sorority life is kinda addicting right now.

Classes have been ok so far too; I'm bored with Latin right now, History wasn't as intense as i thought it would have been from the first day but I think it'll get there probably, Intro the Theatre and Film has been fun so far- the movie we watched today (Being John Malkovic) was absolutely batshit bizarre, Intro to Liberal Arts so far is pretty damn basic, and Communications is kinda fun also has a bit of eye candy so that makes it better :).

But I am tired now and have to be ready for bid day craziness.

1 comment:

saraheffingcaldwell said...

Hey jackie I'm super glad you got this mega-stellar blog!!! I'm so happy that you are happy about joining a sorority and stuff and I'm glad that you love it!