Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Quick bitching post

A) I have reached the point where I miss unbroken, well spoken English. Even though I'm around it with my apartment still, I miss it in class. A lot. The English major that I am misses it badly.

B) I want my bed back. Or at least a better one than this.

C) I miss my friends. I miss people who aren't a million different kinds of different than I am, in thinking and in action. Not that I don't want to see other viewpoints and whatnot, as that's part of the reason that one studies abroad, but I miss relating to people. It's been a long time to feel lonely as often as I have. Not that I haven't made friends here, they just aren't the people at home.

D) I have gained a bunch of weight over here. I miss the gym. That's a convenience I really do miss and will probably take advantage of more now. I didn't recognize how much weight I would gain here; hell, I thought my lack of culinary skill would mean the opposite but turns out, not so much. And Europe is not the place to get heavier.

E) On a related note: I want an American beef cheeseburger and a diet mountain dew so badly. Or Taco Bell.

F) I really just want my parents to get here now. Even if I don't know what we're gonna spend all of our time doing.

Okay, I'm done. I think everyone's countdowns to home are getting to me is all.